To understand Energy Cosmology, it is of fundamental importance to know one of the main knowledge that composes it:

Shamanic Cosmology.

Shamanic Cosmology was developed by Juan Uviedo who, in his spiritual trajectory, had contact with several tribes in Latin America and Africa, in which he could observe that they all maintained a common cult of medicine with the Mineral Kingdom, called by them “Pedra People”. Juan could see that the stones held a memory file and emanated specific protective fields.

From this discovery he created a therapeutic game composed of 64 stones, which he named “Filter of Stones”, and began to practice games that reveal the unconscious mechanism of the individual, defining the content of the mind, clarifying about values, concepts


Stone Filter – Juan Uviedo

Gestational Map

Evolving in his work, Juan identified 12 distinct Energies decoded in colors from the 4 elements of nature and thus elaborates the Gestational Map.


In 1989, Max Továr meets Juan, and is initiated into this wisdom that serves as an essential element for the development of Energetic Cosmology.

Map of the Gestational Energy System of Intelligences

Max Továr systematizes the mapping of the “blueprint of the brain”, a complex scheme that reveals the location of the brain vacuums of the Intelligences and the positioning of the Intelligences and their connections. The visualization and crossing of this information made possible a broader and more effective interpretation of this System. He then creates the Gestational Energy System Map of the Intelligences.


And after a long journey, the fundamentals of Energetic Cosmology are defined:

o Magnetic / Energetic Matrix;

the Energetic System of Intelligences;

o Energy Programs of Intelligences;

o Energetic Reprogramming of Intelligences.

Source: Carlos Fernandes
