
The Energetic Therapy begins with a Spiritual Analysis through the guidance of the Archangels, to know what your needs in this spiritual field are. The Archangels will indicate your needs for dis-obsession and or other Archangel Therapies.

Afterwards, I do an energy analysis with the Gestational Energy Map, which is elaborated through mathematical calculations. It is the same basis for calculating the astrological chart, and instead of placing the Earth in the center for the calculations, I place the Sun in the center to go back to all your energetic formation to know what your experience proposals, challenges and karma.

In our first service, I report the spiritual and energetic analysis, with the Energy Map information regarding challenges, karmas, ancestry, personality, behavior patterns and situations that are repeated in life. From there we can establish the line of work of Energy and or Spiritual Therapy.

My therapy seeks the awakening of consciousness, the identification of your purpose and the necessary adjustments to have a life with more lucidity, balance and autonomy.

To make the calculations and prepare the Gestational Energy Map I need some data, to then schedule the reading. This reading takes around 1:30h and can be done in person or remotely.

Vibrational Energy Map Informations:

Full name:
Date of birth:
Birth time:
Gestation / Pregnancy period (How many months or weeks) :
In the case of preterm and twins. The expected date of birth:
If you are Twin: (Identical or Fraternal, and what is the birth sequence: 1˚, 2˚, 3˚)
Born by normal / natural birth or cease:

If there was a change of city, state, country and / or long trips by the mother during the pregnancy period

Before reading the map with these same data, I do a Spiritual Analysis through the Archangels, to find out what their needs are in this field.

The archangels will indicate your needs for dis-obsession and/or other Archangelic Therapies.

The Energetic Therapy involves:

  • Preparation of the Gestational Energy Map and Spiritual Research (Calculations and production of the Map 1:00h )
  • Map reading with energy exchanges (Approx. 1:30h)
  • Preparation of a new Energy Map and exchange report (1:00h)
  • Follow-up and 21-day return call of the energy exchange (Approx. 0:30h)
  • Monitoring and activation Electromagnetic-Magnetic Matrix (Approx. 0:30h)
  • Total of 4:30h

The appointments can be online or in presence at 1155 Brickell Bay Drive #2805, Miami, FL 33131.

 Other therapies are:

  • Energetic Alinement
  • Spiritual Purification


Energetic Cosmology and the 12 Energetic Programs of the Intelligences

The Energetic Cosmology and the 12 Energetic Programs of the Intelligences

Chief Seattle’s Speech

One thing we know the earth does not belong to man; it is the man who belongs to the earth.

Everything is related to each other. Everything when it attacks the earth attacks the children of the earth.


Since the first man massaged his injured body in an attempt to relieve the pain, the idea of ​​Do-in was already formed.

Energetic Cosmology – How Knowledge Came

To understand Energy Cosmology, it is of fundamental importance to know one of the main knowledge that composes it:

Shamanic Cosmology.

The Sacred Path

Fire is our essence, it comes from the stars, and it is to the stars that our essences will return. The Earth is the Mother, who gave us our bodies.

After our walk on Earth, our bodies will return to it. Our spirits belong to the wind, just like our breath.
