The Last Shamanic Journey

The Last Shamanic Journey

The sound of the drum playing, The fire crackling, it seems that it sings. The old Indian keeps walking, For your last shamanic journey. His eyes tell stories, On the face, the marks of life. The old Indian, on top of the mountain, Regrets the lost battle. His land...
Misty Mirror

Misty Mirror

Three thousand years ago, there was a human being, like you and me, who lived near a city surrounded by mountains. The human being studied to become a shaman, to learn the wisdom of his ancestors, but he did not completely agree with everything he learned. In his...
Four Directions Tribute

Four Directions Tribute

How, Great Mystery! Ancestor of the Great Spirit Reflected in every being In the power of creation How, Mitakuye Oyasin! For all our relationships By the revealed virtues In the purity of Love, the essential truth. The wind runs across prairies The rain falls on the...