The 12 Energetic Programs of the Intelligences are information centers, whose instructions are interpreted by the Brain Vacuums. 

The frequencies of the Energetic Programs of the Intelligences are presented in three (03) perspectives: Color, Angle and Polarity.

Knowing the efficiency level of each Intelligence Energy Program will provide you with conditions for improvement in all sectors of your life. 

Black Intelligence Energetic Program

Entrepreneurship, Planning, Materialization.

The Energy Program of Intelligence do Preto governs responsibility for planning, organizing and conducting towards a goal. He knows how to put together everything needed to make an idea come true. It vibrates magnetism, dominance, confidence and determination. It has the function of managing financial matters, activating the ability to materialize. It represents the ability to be visionary. The deficiency of this Energy Program of the Black Intelligence manifests itself as: incompetence in managing values, dependence on other people’s financial structure, excess materialism or lack of ambition, possessiveness, need to control, selfishness, pettiness, avarice. 

White Intelligence Energetic Program

Memory, ethics, truth..

The White Intelligence Energetic Program records information about all things, events and learnings in order to catalog and file them in order to maintain a historical record. It creates the belief system that summarizes the learning acquired. It judges and defines the value of choices and decisions, divides everything between good and bad, beautiful and ugly, right or wrong, following beliefs that can be limiting or liberating. Its frequency of action is the past, ancestors, family, history, morals, honor, truth, conscience, unconditional love, organization, cleanliness and hygiene.

The deficiency of this White Intelligence Energetic Program manifests itself as: lying, dishonesty, fear, guilt, insecurity, shyness, obsession with cleanliness and tidiness or sloppiness and dirt; false moralism and excess control; strict rules of conduct; hypocrisy and prejudice..

Yellow Intelligence Energy Program

Discernment, Coherence, Communication.

The Yellow Intelligence Energetic Program governs verbal expression, providing resources for communication. It manifests abstract intelligence from intuition and perception. It has the function of discerning, understanding and applying coherence with lucidity in the present moment, living the here and now. It presents practicality, objectivity and direction to fulfill its ideology.

The deficiency of this Energetic Yellow Intelligence Program manifests itself as: gossip, gossip, verbal threat; fascination with black magic, fanaticism; distorted views and suicidal tendencies; insanity, alienation, folly, inconsistency, prolixity, confusion, dissimulation, hallucination and extravagance.

You can have serious problems keeping your word. He is always badmouthing people with mean and destructive innuendo..

Silver Energy Intelligence Program

Movement, Adaptability, Connection.

The Silver Energy Intelligence Program governs sensitivity, intuition and mediumship, due to its capacity for extrasensory perception. It brings as resources the elaboration of strategies, the use of flexibility and agility to accomplish the goals. It is directly related to the divine world and spirituality. Shows skill in dealing with unforeseen events, has a wit, wit, adaptability, warrior strength and amoral nature.

The deficiency of this Silver Intelligence Energetic Program manifests itself as: influenceable, polluting, trickster, cheater, dishonest, camouflaged, deceitful, pretended, thief, superficial, ham, malicious, promiscuous, cowardly, dependent and addicted.

Gold Energetic Intelligence Program

Appreciation, Self-esteem, Identity.


The Golden Intelligence Energetic Program governs personal brilliance, causes enthusiasm, pride, self-confidence and security. Its frequency is linked to self-esteem, self-love, self-worth and acceptance. Their actions are driven by recognition, pride in their work and the success they have achieved. Linked to identity and personality archetype.

The deficiency of this Golden Intelligence Energetic Program manifests itself as: egoic, arrogant, boastful, self-centered; It does not recognize, does not assume its faults, denies its mistakes and defects. Does not apologize, is inflexible and silent, withdrawn, suspicious, insecure and ashamed. It encourages competition in order to appear and be recognized.

Pink Energetic Intelligence Program

Humor, Pleasure, Celebration.

Rosa’s Energetic Intelligence Program governs the value of happiness, the sense of well-being. It expresses the willingness to experience joy, pleasure, spontaneity, lightness, satisfaction and enthusiasm.

It symbolizes the inner child, play, fun, celebration and sharing with friends and groups. It is the art of acting, being considered the master of theater and disguise, using this talent in everyday life in all walks of life.

The deficiency of this Pink Energetic Intelligence Program manifests itself as: moody, rigid, serious, grumpy, grumpy, grumpy, sadistic, conflicted, shy. Does not know how to play, does not relax, is frowning, constantly closed off, heavy, boring. Avoids taking responsibility for life, taking everything as a joke, making escapes so as not to face or assume responsibility in the face of situations.

Green Intelligence Energy Program

Nutrition, Expansion, Constancy.

The Green Intelligence Energy Program governs nutrition and life force. It is connected with the multiplication and expansion of all things. It represents the physical disposition, courage, gratitude and hope to make dreams come true and motivate daily actions. Holds the power of constancy: daily ability to feed the plans and purposes to obtain the desired results. He knows how to share and divide, so he is generous and abundant. The magic of this Green Intelligence Energetic program lies in the alchemical power to recycle what is available in useful and creative ways. It is manifested by self-preservation, by healthy and conscious choices of what really sustains and nourishes you on the physical, emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual levels.

The deficiency of this Energy Green Intelligence Program manifests itself as: gluttonous, alcoholic, hypochondriac, drugged, consumerist, fanciful, deluded, mediocre, alienated, greedy, petty, limited, exaggerated, distracted, needy, compulsive, procrastinating and unproductive.

Celestial Energetic Intelligence Program

Love, Creativity, Union.

Celeste’s Energetic Intelligence Program encompasses love, involvement, affection, togetherness and creativity and artistic gifts. It represents motherhood, family relationships, the ability to gather, caress and caress. Teaches to protect, snuggle and care, giving selflessly. It is the expression of love in all its forms: maternal, filial, fraternal, universal, spiritual and carnal. Also linked to sensuality and symbolizes the feminine essence, patience, caprice and dedication. This program includes aesthetic sense, beauty, charm, good taste, youth, elegance and art in all forms of expression. He knows how to make a pleasant, comfortable, clean and functional environment.

The deficiency of this Celeste Energetic Intelligence Program manifests itself as: individualistic, possessive, manipulative, overprotective, self-interested, jealous, attached, controlling, vengeful, disloyal, ungrateful, victim. It implants disunity, blackmailer, mafioso, centralizing, insensitive and cold. Sloppy with himself and with his surroundings, melancholy, bitter and lonely. Such a program is responsible for the expression of the different facets of sexuality..

Red Energetic Intelligence Program

Initiative, Vitality, Courage.

The Red Intelligence Energy Program encourages action, initiative, daring, determination, passion and willpower. It represents the benevolent heart and tolerance. It portrays the animal instinct that exists within each one, the struggle for survival. It is linked to the warrior, adventurous, courageous, energetic side and bravery personified. It governs sexuality and seduction focused on the sensations of the physical body. At the efficiency level of this program, the person uses lust as an internal impulse tool to exercise the power of conquest, unbeatable faith, compassion for oneself and for others.

The deficiency of this Energetic Intelligence Program of the Red is manifested as: “fire of straw”, disinterested, discouraged, discouraged, indecisive, but also, authoritarian, impulsive, hasty, indecisive, passionate, aggressive, angry, quarrelsome, violent, daring , abused, limitless, vulnerable, perverted, sadistic, obsessive and creates unhealthy sexual fantasies.

Blue Energy Intelligence Program

Multiple Intelligences, Reasoning, Knowledge.

Azul’s Energetic Intelligence Program governs the concrete mind, logical reasoning, learning, the power of analysis and synthesis, mental balance and conviction. Intelligence is putting into practice everything you learn. It encourages constant learning and uses technical and scientific resources to give meaning to the existence of all things. View issues broadly and from multiple angles, concluding sensibly, consistently, and fairly. Azul’s Energetic Intelligence program is responsible for determining a starting point, defining the logical premise for each action, questioning the reason and purpose. Your biggest challenge is applying emotional intelligence.

The deficiency of this Energetic Blue Intelligence Program is manifested as: superiority and intellectual arrogance, it makes the Being old-fashioned, narrow-minded and conservative, distant and cold, superficial and limited, conditioned, incoherent, foolish. faults, lives justifying and accusing others. It becomes ignorant, biased, a “Mary goes with the others”; generates constant mental fatigue.

Brown Energy Intelligence Program

Authority, Responsibility, Limit.

Brown’s Energy Intelligence Program governs laws, order, priority, hierarchy, and leadership. It represents individual space, home, work, status, function and social position. It symbolizes the masculine, paternal side, assiduous work, persistence, discipline and self-confidence. Among its functions are: fulfilling responsibilities with seriousness, perseverance and constancy, assuming commitments, practical and resolute in pending issues, being a perfectionist, respectful and competent. Use common sense to establish a system of social coexistence with rights and duties for each one.

The deficiency of this Brown Energetic Intelligence Program manifests itself as: irresponsible, disrespectful, sloppy, undisciplined, rebellious, insubordinate, radical, disrespectful of authority, messy, disorderly. Uncommitted, feels inadequate, lazy and submissive. At the opposite extreme, it displays responsibility and excessive seriousness. Imprisoned by rules and conditioning. Prioritizes work and its functions, ignoring other realities.

Violet Energetic Intelligence Program

Regeneration, Transformation, Overcoming.

Violet’s Energetic Intelligence Program is the power of healing, regeneration, fresh start, firm purpose and determination. It represents deep sensitivity and intuition. Linked to the esoteric, magic, mystical and surreal. Violeta’s Energetic Intelligence program has the function of gathering and recycling, which allows a new destiny for what has become old, restoring and reviving what was previously obsolete. Its frequency is forgiveness and the transforming force capable of overcoming any obstacle to reach renewal. Overcome fears and losses by dealing deeply with emotions, transmuting pain and the concept of death.

The deficiency of this Energetic Violet Intelligence Program manifests itself as: tantrum, dramatic, controlling, victimization and emotional blackmail; fragile, depressed, hurt, spiteful, resentful, resigned, negative, vulnerable, masochistic, refugee in pain and loneliness. Tendency to self-harm, mutilation and to develop psychosomatic illnesses.

Source: Carlos Fernandes
