How, Great Mystery!

Ancestor of the Great Spirit

Reflected in every being

In the power of creation

How, Mitakuye Oyasin!

For all our relationships

By the revealed virtues

In the purity of Love, the essential truth.

The wind runs across prairies

The rain falls on the hills

Thunder flashed, clearing the vastness of the Black Bear’s Directions.

How, Beings of the West!

From the stillness of silence, from the caves of the soul,

of the darkness that me

from these to the power of awakening, from ignorance to clarity…

How, Sage fields!

Sweet fragrance from Wakan-Tanka

Beings of the North, Heifer Woman,

Sublime Consort of the White Buffalo

Holy Pipe Peace Conductor

To the Sioux peoples, revealed by Thee

Raising the smoke, wrapped in prayers

Of gratitude and supplications, towards the Holy eagle, messenger of Light

How, Beings of the East!

where the sun rises

Anticipated by the Morning Stars

Who receives the powers of the Great Spirit of Wakan-Tanka

putting an end to the darkness

Bringing us the light of day

Of knowledge, of wisdom

So that we can see clearly

And the nobility of the look

From the eyes of the heart…

How, Beings of the South!

From the red earth, coyote child

That makes us realize the paths of pain

And makes us reborn in Beauty and Love

Destroying the illusion of the created image

Restoring the innocence and lightness of Being

The meaning of life, the reason for living…

To Father Sky

to mother earth

To the other Four Directions and to our relationships

All gratitude. All love

How, Mitakuye Oyasin!

Source: Tsipré.
