Fire is our essence, it comes from the stars, and it is to the stars that our essences will return. The Earth is the Mother, who gave us our bodies. After our walk on Earth, our bodies will return to it. Our spirits belong to the wind, just like our breath. Our words are what we breathe, which is why they are sacred.

Each step of the journey taken on the Good Red Road is a personal experience that requires full attention. Each knowledge acquired constitutes a step forward and means one more stone, used in the construction of the Great Wheel of Healing. We come here to learn from each other, to live harmoniously in all of our relationships, to express our talents as individuals, and to heal ourselves and our Mother Earth.

The depth of any type of teaching always depends on the level that the student wants to explore or is able to reach. As is often the case, the calmer Waters run in the depths.

I am simply a fellow traveler who shares the journey on this Good Red Road with all of you.

I feel that the more we get to know each other and understand our entire Universe, the easier it will be to recreate here the Unimundo from which we all originate. It was the Great Mystery that introduced the Breath of Life into our physical world, bestowed on us gifts and talents, and made every form of life an integral part of a Perfect Whole. This creation was all based on Love. Now, it is time to remember that the Universe can be reunited by this same essence, by the energy of Unconditional Love, so that the Unimundo can manifest itself again.

May the path be joyful and full of abundance!

Da’Naho! (So ​​be it!), Four Winds and Much Wisdom….

Hancoka Olowampi – (Midnight Song) – Jamie Sams
